The Lord makes firm the steps
    of the one who delights in him;
though he may stumble, he will not fall,
    for the Lord upholds him with his hand.

Psalm 37:23-24 NIV

I am not a writer.
I am not a fiction writer.
I am not an inspirational writer.
I am not a poet.
I am not a singer.
I am not an artist.
I am not a lyricist.
I am not an editor.
I am not a publisher.
I am not a marketer.
I am not…


God’s chosen child
Daughter of the Most High King
Worthy to be called His
Worthy to do His work

When I was younger I thought my identity was all wrapped up in being a singer. Then when I lost the hearing in my right ear I would find myself thinking, “Who will I be if I can’t hear? What will happen to me if I become completely deaf?  Because if I can’t hear, I can’t sing.” Singing is my favorite thing in the whole world. It’s who I wanted to be. It’s who I am. Right?

But the truth is, my identity is not wrapped up in the career I hold or the things I enjoy. In fact, it is not even about being a wife and mother.

My identity is in Christ.

The list of the things above saying what I am not — these are all things that I am through Christ. He empowers me to be the writer, poet, artist, editor, marketer. He gives me these tools to be a servant for Him and to share the Gospel to others using these tools. But they are only tools.

I have a few questions for you.

If you couldn’t be a writer who would you be? Are you feeling worthless today? Do you feel like you aren’t enough — that what you write and how you write — is inadequate? Perhaps you have placed your identity in the wrong thing. Or more accurately, the wrong person.

You are worthy of your calling in Christ because He has made You worthy through His redemptive blood. You are worthy because He has given you the ability to do this work.

I think Cec Murphey said it best last weekend at the conference:

Your greatest achievement may not be as a writer or an editor. Your greatest achievement is being who you are. What makes us think we are worthy to edit or write for God? God honors faithfulness and commitment.

So, who are you?

Be Encouraged,


MarcieBioHeadshotNew_smallMarcie Bridges

Author Care Representative of LPC