
Moments With Marcie

Christian Writing, Editing, Speaking Retreats & Conferences 2019

A listing of the 2019 Christian Writers Conferences. Also for editors and speakers.

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Christian Book Awards/Contests 2018

Looking for a contest to enter your book and/or manuscript? Look no further. Here is a list of the 2018 Christian Book Contests.

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The question becomes, who are we writing for? Why are we writing? Are we doing it solely for the money or are we doing it for God? Are we seeking treasure upon earth or heaven? If you find yourself at a crossroads this year on whether or not to continue writing and trying to publish your works, then perhaps you need to shut down the computer, put down the pen, fold up the paper, and earnestly, fervently, passionately seek God until He gives you an answer.

A Bit Puzzled

If you’ve ever attended a writers conference one of the most emphasized instructions is to learn your craft. Like a lion preys around, studying his subject before he goes after it, we must be diligent in understanding the craft of writing so we can make our books the best they can be. Just like putting together a puzzle, it takes patience, determination, and perseverance. It requires time, effort, and energy.

Making Mistakes Mean More Than The Message

If you're an editor, like me, it can be difficult to keep reading when there are so many mistakes involved. But if we quit reading simply because we can't get through the mistakes, we may miss the message of the writer.

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

Are you a writer that feels burned out? Thinking about calling it quits? Encouragement for when you need permission to take a break.

Missed Opportunities

I knew God wanted me there. I had no doubts about that...But as I sat in my room the first night, I felt something akin to a restlessness in my spirit. I couldn’t shake the feeling God had someone for me to meet.

Dear Diary?

How does writing down your prayers enhance your spiritual walk and your prayer time?

Letters of Love

We focus so much on writing that novel or that book that just has to be written, but do we ever take the time to focus our writing for those around us?

But I Don’t Want To!

How many times does God ask us to do something we don’t want to do but because we love God and want to obey Him, we do it anyway?

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